Enjoy the world of hobbies in 1:72
Somewhere in a desolate area of Europe, in a snowy and muddy early spring season, a midsize town is under attack of 2 armies. The Germany army tries to push through the town center while crossing a bridge over a creek, however experiencing counterattack from the Russian. This fear resistance stalls the convoy and find position in the nearby ruins of buildings. Neither any building in the town is in original state. Obliterated by shelling from both sides to create an opportunity to advance. How this will end is unknown, as both sides will seek for a momentum.
While the Germans bring in many various types of equipment, also Rumanian and Hungarian contribute in this war effort. Not in manpower as the Germans, but in equipment by tanks and a plane. The soviets on the other hand, have also dispatched more equipment, not only the usual standard T-34, to peer with the Germans. At this stage the German outnumber the Russians with their number of vehicles, but the Russia have a more powerful and heavy armed answer to this; not to mention also air support.
Any progress depends on the weather (constant rain and melting snow) and soil condition which both sides suffer from. The ground si wet, muddy and covered with snow. Obstacles are difficult to reveal or observe at all. The destroyed buildings provides less cover for men to hide from the shells, bullets and debris. Better something than nothing, but should not overlong and result in a stalemate to decimate each other’s resources. An inevitable Pyrrhic victory is imminent.
A diversity of a many Russian and German figures, tanks, artillery, vehicles and airplanes, such as Tiger Tank, Half-Tracks, T-34 & IS-2 Tanks, ZiS, PAK, Katyusha, Mig, etc. The axis Romania and Hungary also support with equipment, but not present with troops. The plastic models which are constructed, painted and hence used in the diorama are represented below. Click on each images to redirect to detailed facts & more photos.