Enjoy the world of hobbies in 1:72
Constructing a diorama consist of phases while painting of the various models and figures can proceed in parallel. There is no single path to follow. Creativity, improvisation and ingenuity come along your journey of modelling with joy. Attend to an original image is just a direction, but don’t fear to diverge. Neither did I. I would rather say that the results became even better than was planned.
Sometimes a goal can't be achieved because of missing the resources or it just doesn’t work out the way you want it and for the sack of time... Everything is adjustable afterwards at later point in time. Although after placing the plastic soldiers for instance it would be harsh to accomplish.
Due to a busy year I could not fully concentrate on the project. The construction period of this relatively small setup was not long. As usual I had too much material to make a correct distribution. Therefore the coastal part is a bit redundant in terms of vehicles and the wooded part is also not optimal because of that V2, which should be the central focus point.
I consistently forgot to take enough pictures of the different changes, as focus is on building in limited time and space (and moving stuff around all the time), especially of the plaster and paper mache part and also a photo during the planting of the trees. This actually took of course a lot of time. There is a number technique used to know how to place the trees afterwards, but I have no patience for that. Unfortunately 6 instead of 9 pictures.
I had high hopes that a smaller than usual setup would make it easier for me to promote the continuation and delivery. Unfortunately it works partly to my advantage, but the same work still has to be done manually. In my mind I quickly had it clear that it would be a cliff scenario, but that also immediately limited the possibilities and hence became time-consuming.
Perhaps the subject is less interesting than initially thought; asmaller setup expects more accuracy. While working out the details something is disturbing and dormant in the mind. Is it not too white, is the modeling correct, can this and that be done... not too many figures on the British side running up that hill... Hope doesn't disturb the logic. The more the merrier! Ultimately, quite satisfied; lots to peek and gaze for. The next model will be a smaller size again as currently no other choice.