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German Anti-Tank (AT) Gun : Raketenwerfer 43 (8.8mm)

The 8.8cm Raketenwerfer 43 Puppchen was an 88mm calibre reusable anti-tank rocket launcher developed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

Raketenwerfer 43 was given to infantry to bolster their anti-tank capability. The weapon was fired from a small two-wheeled gun carriage which fired a percussion-primed, rocket-propelled, fin-stabilized grenade RPzB. Gr. 4312 with a shaped charge warhead. The grenade had a shorter tailboom of 490mm (19in) compared to the 650mm (26in) tailboom for the electrically-primed grenade RPzB. Gr. 4322 for the Panzerschreck. Both grenades used identical warhead and fuzing.


Model Specifications [wikipedia]